OVH Check Servers

Сделал специально чекер серверов Kimsufi и SoYouStart через то что надо было раз словить сервер KS-1, а чекеров нормальных нет или тарифы не все или функционал ужасный.
Набросал 470 строк кода и использовал функции с API OVH.
Авторизация, регистрация в таких вот мини-мини вещах по сути не нужна.
Проверка наличия серверов каждую минуту, рассылка с разных доменов чтобы не попадали письма в спам.
Также добавил вывод в каком ДЦ возможно выпадет сервер.
Сделан для IE филиала:
I made a special checker for servers Kimsufi and SoYouStart through the fact that I had to hook the server KS-1, but there are no checkers normal or the tariffs are not all or the functionality is horrible.
I sketched 470 lines of code and used functions with the OVH API.
Authorization, registration in such mini-things here is not really necessary.
Checking the availability of servers every minute, sending from different domains so that messages do not get into spam.
Also added the output to which DC the server may drop out.
Made for branch IE:
43 комментария
This is really useful. do you plan to release your code via github?
No, I do not publish my code.
The problem is that the server codes change each time for Flash Sale.
I just found your site but It won't let me select any of the check boxes. How do I use your site please?
You must first sign up for the mail. Then go to the link and all the checkboxes will be available.
You need to follow the link and select the necessary servers.
If it is not too much to ask, is it possible to add this server from OVH?
Dedicated Server: DO-32
But as an OVH reseller, I see that there are not always servers on the main line.
The same Singapore is not always available and so on.
А есть возможность добавить столбец с датой/временем когда сервер был доступен для заказа последний раз?
Can you try yo add it?
Is the site still usable ? I can't subscribe to one particular server (sys-2-sat-64).
Sorry for the fake news.
Thanks for this website ! I have a problem with subscription though : i always get the "recaptcha says: you're a spammer" error, and i'm never asked for a captcha. I've tried on several browsers (firefox and chromium), both on my PC and my android phone. Is there something i can do ?
I'm just wondering, if they really exist, or if it's just to attract customers on OVH website...