Ответил выше на комментарий.
ID of this mod?
Because Steam created problems for a similar service.
why did you turned it down actually? wasn't steam who asked to do it? the way they are agressive towards third party services like they own it is totally laughable for years, we even lost a good workshop downloader because of it (and the reddit community who complemented died along with it)

hey, could you add this one for me

add it pls
Можно поставить еще мод Half Life alyx vr левитация уже есть но перевоспитания нет его нельзя скачать образец да
You can put more mod of half life alyx vr the levitation is already there but the re-education is not there it cannot be downloaded sample yes
а как поставить на динамический раздел?
This configuration was added a week ago.
Add KS-A server to list please :)
thanks bro
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3160224071&searchtext= pls add bro
Надо создать сертификат через ISP Manager 5 плагин Let's enCrypt. А потом переключить на него в разделе WWW-доменов, редактирование домена. Так было в ISP 5 так и в ISP 6.
Этот мод удалили со Steam.
Что за сервер у тебя был?