Ну например этот мод:
Выдаёт такую ошибку:
'Steam Api doesn't return the URL to download the file +_+'
Is it possible for me to redownload the file? maybe remove the file currently in the database & download new ones?
Because i'm trying to download these 2 files:
Kaiserreich: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=809903394
Old World Blues: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1303741106
Kaiserreich's file is corrupted & Old World Blues is not updated yet,
Can you tell me how to update the files? I'll gladly help
When I try to download this mod https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1137372539 it doesn't download the latest version instead I got a month ago version
Ни один аддон из игры Garry's Mod не качает
Вставляю ссылку на мод нажимаю Download и выдаёт такую ошибку.
Steam Api doesn't return the URL to download the file +_+
Yeah the downloader is great in getting mods from the workshop. However a good deal of mods which were updated recently and were around a good amount of time, the downloader takes outdated versions of the Mod, instead of the newer updates of it. Such is a case with Darkest Dungeon with the class mods and several other mods, example are Marvin Seo's classes not being downloaded at their newest updates, or the Lords Blade mod which the file is updated to 23rd July but the downloaded mod is 16th July.
Still, the mods are usable, only not uptodate with the mod description in the workshop, it also gives problems when using with the newest version of the game and the mods outdated, which causes issues
Update Stellaris Mod [Immersive Galaxy - Planet Variety, Clouds] and [Immersive Galaxy - Planet Variety, 2K] to latest version
wrong file size and outdated dl. what do?
Выдаёт такую ошибку:
'Steam Api doesn't return the URL to download the file +_+'
Because i'm trying to download these 2 files:
Kaiserreich: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=809903394
Old World Blues: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1303741106
Kaiserreich's file is corrupted & Old World Blues is not updated yet,
Can you tell me how to update the files? I'll gladly help
Maybe the cached download is corrupted.
Вставляю ссылку на мод нажимаю Download и выдаёт такую ошибку.
Steam Api doesn't return the URL to download the file +_+
Still, the mods are usable, only not uptodate with the mod description in the workshop, it also gives problems when using with the newest version of the game and the mods outdated, which causes issues
Раз 10 нажал download и ничего всё равно не изменилось. Что с этим делать
You must first sign up for the mail. Then go to the link and all the checkboxes will be available.
I just found your site but It won't let me select any of the check boxes. How do I use your site please?